Action 4 Animals Hawaii Cat Resources
It takes all of us working together to help the animals of Hawaii Island.
Our focus is on helping those that are in greatest need or endangered. Since we can't take them all, here are some resources so YOU can be that found kitty's new angel!

Found Kittens & Rehoming
Shelters are full, fosters are full, and we need your help! Here are some steps to take.
1. Review "Don't Be a Kit-Napper". Sometimes the best response is no response.
2. Don't trap without a plan. Nothing is worse than an angry cat in a trap that you just want someone to take away (and that rarely happens).
3. Check for a chip. Humane Society and all vets should be able to help with this.
4. If the cat is in need of a foster, YOU can be the one to make a difference! Here are some helpful tips on being and independent foster mom or dad!

Have you fostered in the past? Are you interested in helping animals on an ongoing basis? Then please fill out our application to be an Action 4 Animals Hawaii Foster Parent!
If you are interested in being a one-time or independent foster, or just want to learn more, here are some tips to get you started.

Bottle Babies
Before you touch a seemingly abandoned kitten, PLEASE review our "Don't Be a Kit-Napper" graphic. The mom might just be away looking for food.
Bottle feeding is essential in the tinies! Check out the Kitten Lady's videos on YouTube. They are super helpful!
See below for contacts and links to outside resources that can help.

Tips for a Successful Adoption
Action 4 Animals Dog Resources

What to do when you find a stray dog
Walk the dog around the area where it was found, especially if it’s relaxed and not aggressive or stressed. Chances it lives no more than a block away and us out for a stroll.
Take it to a local vet or humane society to check for a microchip
Check lost and found pages on social media or Craigslist
Contact local rescues to see if they can hold the dog overnight or if they recommend anyone that can help. If no one can help, Secure the dog in a safe location with food and water, away from other animals.
If you can’t keep the dog overnight and no one is able to help, contact county animal control for help. Dogs must be contained in a crate or leashed in order for animal control to pick up the dog.
See below for contacts and links to outside resources that can help.
Good Karma Spay & Neuter
Low-cost spay/neuter services by appointment.
Located in Hilo.
Appointments available on their website.
All dogs and cats are required by Hawaii County to be chipped. Chips are the #1 way to get your pet back if it gets lost. Register your pet's chip for FREE at
Hawaii Animal Kuleana Alliance (HAKA)
Haka has VERY limited funds to help with injured dogs on a case by case basis. They also do fostering as space is available.
Action 4 Animals Hawaii Surrender Form
If we do have space and you do need to surrender your animal, we will need this form completed.
Petfix Hawaii
Monthly clinics in Pahoa and Ocean View.
Donation-based spay/neuter
Message via facebook,
Petco Love Pet Finder
Petco's website is another resource for lost and found pets. Registering your pet is a free service.
Hawaii Island Humane Society
Hawaii Humane Society takes in adoptable animals as space is available. They also offer free food twice a month and possibly offer low-cost spay/neuter services. Visit their website for more information.